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These Causes and Ways to Overcome Fertility in Children

Nipple in children is characterized by the appearance of pimples like pimples or boils on the edge of the eyelid. Generally, stint will not affect the child's vision and will disappear by itself within a few days. Bintitan in children actually do not need to worry too much. It's just better if you know how to reduce the discomfort that is caused while curing it faster. By understanding what causes pimples to occur in children, you can help prevent and overcome them properly.

Recognize the Causes of Fertility

Stinging or hordeolum is a condition of the appearance of reddish-like bumps or pimples on the edges of the upper or lower eyelids. When staples occur, the eye area may also appear red and easily runny or tear. Nipple in children or adults can occur when the oil glands in the eyelid area are blocked by dead skin cells, and are infected by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. This blocked and infected oil gland is what causes the appearance of small pimples resembling zits or pimples on the eyelid area. If you see bumps in a child's eyes, ask them not to rub their eyes or squeeze their pimple. This will only cause pain and can lead to infection.

Proper Treatment for Treating Bintitan

Sterning in children can actually disappear by itself in a few days. However, to speed healing, you can do simple steps at home. The method is quite easy:
  • Warm compresses on the eye area of ​​the sterned child with a cloth or washcloth.
  • Compress the eye that has a pimp for 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat 3-4 times each day, so that the starch dries quickly and heals.
  • If the bumps appear on only one eye, don't use the same washcloth to clean the eyes that aren't affected. Because, the bacteria that causes stunting can spread to healthy eyes.
  • After compressing the eyes of the affected child with a washcloth, don't forget to wash your hands properly.
If your child cries or refuses his eyes to be compressed, then you can compress it while he is sleeping. Or, give him the understanding that this method can make staples heal faster and no longer interfere. If stints cause pain, consumption of painkillers, such as paracetamol, can be given. If the compress and administration of painkillers is not able to cope with stints in children, consult a doctor immediately. Especially if the staples don't improve even though they have suffered a week. Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic ointment or an antibiotic to treat the stubborn problem that your child is suffering from.
